Interface InputStream

A stream inteface that allows to read data from it. Reading any data implies position advance by corresponding number of bytes. Methods shouldn't throw on EOF, may throw on a more serious error

interface InputStream
  : Stream ;


getPosition[get] ulongReturns current position


fillArray (array) Attempts to fill an array with raw data from stream. Returns true if the array was filled, false otherwise
readable () Returns true if there are any data to read. false means end of the stream.
readBE (value) Reads big-endian integer, converts to native-endian and stores in value
readBytes (buffer, count) Attempts to read count bytes from stream and stores them in memory pointing by buffer. Returns number of bytes actually read
readLE (value) Reads little-endian integer, converts to native-endian and stores in value
close () Closes the stream. Closed stream cannot be read or written any more
position (pos) Attempts to set current position to pos. Throws SeekException on failure
seek (amount) Relatively changes position. amount defines an offset from the current position (can be negative). Throws SeekException on failure
seekable () Returns true if it is legal to use Seekable functionality on this stream
setPosition (pos) Attempts to set current position to pos. Returns true on success, false on failure
size () Returns the size of a stream in bytes